
Saturday, June 26, 2010

I need a bigger design wall...or a bigger family room floor!

Weasley likes it enough to take a whole bath on it while I was staring at it and thinking.  Maybe I should have made the letters shorter...they seem a little big.  Oh well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Not bad for my first attempt at these letters.  Of course, Mr. furry britches is lying right on top of the witch, which probably makes you wonder why I picked that particular do cats know these things?!?

I need to purchase a little more champagne colored "Fizz" by P&B to finish out the word's amazing how much background fabric it takes to be liberated.  Then I need to think of a small outer border...

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. ow WOW, Teresa - fabulousness. Love the whole thing. love your skinny letters - they don't look too big to me. want to see more pics!!!

  2. p.s. love seeing Weasley enjoying himself - beautiful kitty. maybe he's the one getting those dogs!

  3. I don't think your letters are too big, they look great :o) I'm lovin' how this quilt is coming out. My hubby always laughs when he sees Weasley lying inside your too LOL.


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Love it! Your letter border is just right. Weasley is right it's perfect.

  6. I just found your blog today! What a fabulous quilt!
    BTW I am going to see Wicked for the second time in October...can't wait :)

  7. You are so creative...can't wait to see it in person!

  8. love it, love it, wish I had made it!
    it's wonderful!

  9. Love the quilt and love your cat rolling around on it. Why do animals do that? I think that your letters look perfect!

  10. WOW Teresa.....I LOVE THIS QUILT!!! Hurry up and fnish it so you can sent it TO ME!!!!!!
    Your letters are perfect so stop looking at them!

  11. The lettering is perfect. You have done a fabulous job. Weasley looks like he is having a whale of a time. Quilts and fabric are just magnets for cats, aren't they? Lestat makes a bee line for fabric whenever I get it out.


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