
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Darn it, but I've been "dashed" out!

I think I have almost recovered from working at the shop (The Quilting Season, Saline, Michigan) for the Michigan Stash Dash last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  I know quilters love these things, but they can be a killer to get ready for and live through for store staffs!  After 12-hour plus days, I came home and didn't go near my stash.  I think I was on cotton overload (I didn't think that was possible!).  Shocking!

I have a few new baskets to add to the others.

I've also been doing a little stash scrap maintenance...washing, sorting, putting stuff away.   Rae Ann was nice enough to ask me to post on Stash Manicure this morning.  If you have not checked out that site, it is a MUST SEE!!!  GREAT ideas for using your stash from all kinds of invited guest bloggers!

Today is my daughter's 13th birthday, and she leaves later in the day for a church youth group trip to New York City.  I will miss her, but I am SO looking forward to some SEWING and ME time!!!!!  Shocking!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. I was in awe of your post on the Stash Manicure blog - thank you! Happy Birthday to your daughter - wishing her a joyous time in New York. And, why she's away I hope you'll have a joyous time with your stash - LOL

  2. Charming baskets! Cute as a button...and I'll bet they are contagious! Hope you recover soon from the "cotton overload" (clever name!)...will have far greater admiration for the staff of stores...enduring all the pressing/zealous quilters who visit during such events! Hope darling daughter has a wonderful time for her church/birthday trip...and you find that precious window of "me" time! Thank you for two wonderful posts!

  3. Happy Birthday to your daughter,wishing her amazing days in New York.
    Now I running to visit stash Manicure.

    take care and happy sewing!!

  4. You "caught" me over at Stash Manicure... I follow that site for the quilt ideas. Yours was the first post that truly resonated with me, a scrap quilter that believes the more variety, the better. When I read your paragraph on that very subject, you won my heart and here I am, enjoying your blog.

    I used to work in quilt shops, and I found that I made few to no quilts of my own because of it. Little time left after work, as well as the "cotton overload." Now, I won't do anything that might make my passion for quilting become drudgery.

    I love the magic boxes! I've been looking for something to carry around my hand-piecing in. Thanks for the inspiration on how to do that!

    ~ Ronda

  5. Hey, just checked out the stash manicure post. Great job.
    Happy Birthday to your daughter. A teenager!!

  6. You are incredibly organized!! I'm very interested in the pattern with the 4 triangles sewn together into a larger triangle. It looks like the pattern may be from a quilt magazine. Can you tell me where it's from?

  7. Oh My I couldn't imagine having cotton overload, I didn't think it was possible....well maybe after a 12 hour day....YUCK LOL. I bet those quilters were a noisy bunch :0)

    Happy Belated Birthday to your young teen!!



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