
Monday, May 17, 2010

Have you seen my mojo?

My mojo has gone missing.  It was here in spades while I was zipping through finishing The Civil War Bride quilt last month, but it is DEFINITELY missing now.   I think I broke my creativity bone (usually found right next to the funny bone, in case you are singing through that "the-(this)-bone's-connected-to-the-(that)-bone" song from my childhood). 

I made the ugliest block EVER last hidiously awful that I am not even going to take a picture of would probably melt my camera.  My buddy Ola and I have been dying to start a Sue Garman quilt called "All Around the Town" that we ordered from Quakertown Quilts some time ago.  I was dying to start it while working on the bride, but was a "good girl" and resisted.  Ola knocked out a couple of blocks, so I knew it was time for me to wade in.

This is the quilt pictured on the pattern...

It is cute, cute, cute, but last night's effort was mucho stinko.  Maybe deep down, I know I want to change it just a little (don't I ALWAYS??)  I am going to start over with different fabrics, a different method, and hopefully a different attitude.

I spent a few days getting some scrap piles tamed and fabrics "re-shelved" in their proper bins.  That usually cures the post-project blues, but not this time.  I perused favorite blogs seeking inspiration (there was LOTS there!) and hung out with some quilting ladies, fondled show-and-tells, petted (and purchased!) some fabrics, and fluffed my pattern files.  Still blue. 

Then, one of my quilting book shelves "exploded,' sending collapsed boards and books flying.  That prompted a trip to IKEA for some better, stronger storage.  The IKEA person said that the weight limit per shelf on my old shelving unit was 29 pounds...heck, that can be only 3 good-sized books (especially if one is Barbara Brackman's block encyclopedia and the others have lots and lots of sticky notes sticking out to mark pages with favorite quilts!).  I'm surprised, shocked, and embarrassed that it lasted this long!  Maybe I need to stop buying quilt books...

So, if you see my mojo hanging out near you...thumbing through your quilt library, lurking near your sewing tool drawer, or stuffing your fabric scraps in its pockets, just give it a shove to send it back this way...I miss it!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)

1 comment:

  1. Goodness I hope your mojo isn't raiding my unprotected stash back home, while I'm on vacation!! Don't worry, it always finds it's way back home :0)



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