
Monday, March 29, 2010

Liberated lady par-tay!! (and have you signed up for my give-away?!?)

I finished my 17 liberated lady blocks for our group exchange (with one to spare...I won't take the one where I had to piece the background after I finished the block due to a fabric defect...).  These were really fun and I anticipate making some more for me when I get my blocks from everyone else.  I am going to finally brave making some of Tonya's free-pieced (un-ruly??) word blocks to sprinkle in with the ladies ("girls, girls, girls").

But that project is going to have to wait until "the bride" is quilted...sigh. 

It's not too late to get in on the betting pool for the day and hour I will finish quilting and binding "the bride."  When I am at The Quilting Season tomorrow I will spy something wonderful for a give-away.  Whoever is closer to the time that I finish (and shout for joy and relief!!) will be the winner!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh goody, there are other bare foot ladies in the group!!


  2. Those ladies are fabulous Teresa, what a fun project!

  3. Hi Teresa,
    Just curious how far are you now with the quilting? My husband just guessed April 5, 3pm. Hes not a quilter, but I shared your story with him
    Chris J

  4. How cute! I love the liberated ladies!

  5. these little girls are so cute. it is fun to look at each block.


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