
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Music is blooming (my 17th block)...

I'm always telling my daughter to clean out her French horn before she sprouts something...and look...Mom is always right!  LOL

This will be block #17 for my is very important in our family's life, and my daughter plays the French horn, so that's the direction I took.  I drew it large to get all the detail in...maybe too large, as I think it is a little overpowering where I pinned it on the design wall.  I think I will need to re-arrange the blocks after I finish the last 3 blocks to try and achieve some balance of scale and color.

I drew in strawberries and flowers in keeping with the overall feel of the quilt, and guess what...the flowers are TRUMPET VINE...get it???  TRUMPET VINE...more music!!  LOL  I am having WAY too much fun with this quilt!

Drawing and appliqueing the instrument was easier than I thought it would be (but all the stupid little trumpet flowers??  Zeesh!  WHAT was I thinking!!).  Anyway, it makes me want to draft lots of different musical instruments for a future quilt!!  Hmmm...

As I was preparing applique pieces for the next block this afternoon (a house for my couple!), my daughter suggested a block that astonished me...if I can pull it off, it will be very appropriate for our family's version of this quilt.  I will keep you 'posted'...get it??  POSTED!  LOL (maybe I should stop now...)

If you have not stumbled on Lizzie's blog about the Civil War Bride Quilt, click here to check it out (or find it in my blog list).  There are many talanted quilters posting their treasure here.

In stitches (and in a seriouly silly mood),
Teresa  :o)


  1. dear teresa ,isn`t it a good feeling to be such far with your treasure,the music block looks fantastic,i don`t feel the french horn is too big,it fits very good,we have today three birthdays here,my brother in law,my son and my youngest grandson,he is two years old today,so we have to go to the party,happy stitching,susi

  2. beautiful block....
    love seeing these all together, your doing an amazing job

  3. Wow! I don't think I could draw a French horn. You did beautiful work on this block.

  4. Stunning... my word! It's magical!

  5. Lovely, just Lovely. I really like how you are making this project your own :0)


  6. being is too short not to enjoy the silliness when it strikes :0)......I've enjoyed watching all these quilts come to life. You are moving right along !

    Happy Sewing

  7. Whoa, look at all that bias. Your block is fab. Can' wait to see what you have come up for the next one.

  8. It's not too large! Leave it alone. It's outstanding! I am loving this. Awesome job!

  9. I love this block - so happy - you can hear the music. Your project is coming along wonderfully!


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