
Friday, February 26, 2010

Civil War Bride Quilt family portrait - block #20!!!

Here's a close up...

This is the last of the 20 center blocks of the Civil War Bride Quilt.  It's a little unusual, so maybe I should explain.

This quilt will be Riley's some day.  I think of Riley as the bride, so I wanted there to be a block representing our little family.  My buddy Ola added the inspiration for the antique-looking portrait.  Then as we discussed other block elements (the sewing machine, a displayed quilt), Ola came up with the idea of me busting out of the portrait to be sewing on the machine.  (he picked GREAT wall-paper for the portrait!)

I had to stick Riley with a book.  She's been reading since 3 and doing it at a college level since she was about 8.  Through all the blocks, I couldn't figure out a way to depict her love of books.  This seemed like a good time to do it.

I did a little quilting magic on me...a little "quilting liposuction," if you will.  (hee-hee-hee!)

Now I need to put the blocks together and start digging on those borders!!

Thanks for following along the journey!

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Oh Teresa, what a fabulous finish for this quilt!! You really need to put it into some shows, it's so original!!


  2. It's just wonderful, Teresa!!! I enjoyed reading about the story behind the design. I also enjoyed checking out the little details you put into it, such as the rings. You are quite a talent! What a lovely treasure for Riley.

  3. What a wonderful block and what a wonderful quilt!
    I so look forward to seeing the borders -

  4. You have done a wonderful job on all your blocks. I love how you have made them your own. And, so fast! I just started block #4 and loving every minute of it.


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