
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cake break...block 18 done!!


This is block number 18 for me in the 20-block (plus borders...sigh) Civil War Bride Quilt.  Two more to go and then I can get going on the borders.

Huge thanks to my BFF Ola for suggesting the wedding cake idea.  It makes total sense to me that they would want cake (EVERYBODY likes cake!!).  I used to decorate birthday and wedding cakes, so this block totally makes sense to our family theme for this quilt.

Here is the happy couple...the bride wants the groom to put the fish down and wash his hands BEFORE he cuts her a piece of cake.  :o)


I'm really having fun with this quilt and wish I had more time to dedicate to it.  Once I get blocks all glued up, they are portable, but until then, they tie me to the basement (and the stash...) as I try and decide on colors.  I can only spend so much time down there pretending to do laundry before the family realizes that there are no clean clothes.  LOL  (not to mention all the other projects I want to be working on...)

Is everyone watching the Olympics?!?  I am SO enjoying them!  The short track skating has been fun to watch, men's and women's.  And tonight, more figure skating.  My husband has been grousing about Ice Dancing being considered a sport.  I told him he should try it before he makes that comment.  :o)

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Wow this block is wonderful and very appropriate. The quilt is going to be amazing.


  2. Oh my gosh! I love what you did here!! It's fabulous... gee, now i don't know what I will do about the altar.

    I have had to put the CWBQ on hold for a little while...

    I am proud of you!!

  3. Another great block. The cake is a great idea and I love the fabric you chose for the table cloth.


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