
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More on "going rogue"...

I started talking about "going rogue" in my last post.  By that, I mean changing an idea, a pattern or going against the norm.  I've always had a tendency to do this, and I think I feel a certain amount of "quilt guilt" about it.  

This is HOME SWEET HOME from a book by the same name by Barb Adams and Alma Allen.  I finished it in early 2008.  I love every book and project these talented ladies publish, and I had every intention of doing it just like the book when I started. In fact, blocks one, two and five are exactly like they intended.  But then, the rogue-ness crept in when I started block three...I had to add my daughter flying a kite.  By block eight, I had my, then, 10-year-old daughter designing a horse for me to include (I mean, I saw the fence and naturally thought of horses - my daughter rides and she doodles pictures of horses on everything she can find).  Well, then I thought we needed apples and an apples tree to keep the horse happy, and whenever I think of happy horses I think of sunshine and rainbows!  Before long I was hopelessly lost in rogue-land.

I was even rogue-ish in my hand-quilting with every block done differently, hiding little quilting motifs everywhere I could.  What is wrong with me!  Barb and Alma's original pattern was so is one of their interpretations from their book..


It would be more honest to design my own quilt, rather then change someone else's creativity, but I don't feel like I am artistic enough to do that or maybe I'm just "chicken" (or lazy).

I love, love, love the CIVIL WAR BRIDE QUILT and Civil War Bride Quilt blog dedicated to people working on this fabulous project. 


It is my favorite project right now (now if I could just clear my schedule and calendar...).  I originally thought that I would do each of the twenty blocks just like Corliss Searcey designed them in her pattern, based on the original BIRD OF PARADISE quilt top.


But then, I remembered that she had taken liberties with the original quilt top, unfinished and located in the Museum of Folk Art in New York City.  Also, I started seeing all the lovely blocks my new friends from around the world were posting as they completed them on their own Civil War Bride journeys,  Then it hit me...EVERYBODY GOES ROGUE in their own way and IT'S OK!!!!  

As the Civil War Bride quilt will ultimately be my daughter's some day...probably her wedding quilt...I am planning to go rogue on some of the blocks to make it reflect a bit of her personality (and mine).


  1. dear teresa,it is just the same with me,i have to change things sometimes too,your housequilt looks great as it is,and i love your words about our blog,i could not have said it better,hugs, susi

  2. Teresa. we have the same taste.. I feel just as passionate of this project as you do and am ordering the pattern. I found your blog on their blog and love what you have done so far. Black Bird Designs is also another favorite..
    Have fun with your quilting never feel guilty going "rogue" (love the term) makes it yours from the heart Can't wait to see your blocks in the Civil War Bride

  3. Well you just rogue anytime you like because I like your little touches. And I don't think there is anything wrong with making a quilt "yours"

  4. "Going rogue" is exactly how we got all these great quilt pattern variations in the first place! I think it's a time honored tradition... and you do it well! ;)

  5. Oh yes, I go rogue. I think that's the perfect name for it.

    Just imagine, years ago they called it "making do".

    Your house quilt is beautiful. I would love to see it in person.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE your rogue-ness. Your quilt is beautiful.


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