
Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Civil War Bride block done (#8)...

This is the fourth block I've finished for the Civil War Bride quilt.  I am eager to start working on a groom block that I have sort of drafted from bits and pieces, here and there.  I love working on this project!

Now, I must go to bed (it is 1:30 AM!!!).

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Beautiful Teresa, your hand appliqué is perfect stitch. I love the colors as well. My favorite block so far - Hugs Natima

  2. Hi Teresa, I just discovered and enjoy your blog... darn it! Like I need another blog on my list. ;-) I found you through the CWBQ blog. I'm glad you're part of it. Great work!

  3. All that fruit looks delicious enough to eat. Just love the block :-))))

  4. Oh, I am thinking what Beth is thinking - another blog to follow - never mind, this block is gorgeous!
    Hugs - Lurline♥


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