
Monday, October 5, 2009

Addicted to "The Civil War Bride" quilt...

Well, I have finished my third block of this quilt now, and I am totally addicted!!  It is a great project and I am totally loving the applique technique I recently learned from my quilting friend (thanks again, Mary Liz!).  I had heard of this technique (glue stick) before, but wasn't really tempted to try it because I have gotten so fast over the years with my baste-under method and I thought that the glue stick (and later glue baste) would be messy and add extra steps.

Well, the more I try the new way, the faster I am getting.  I am finding flaws in my technique and fixing them (like making sure I soak the completed block long enough to dissolve the glue before pressing it dry and trimming - and making sure I change the water in the container a couple of times and aggitate gently with my hand).

I'm looking forward to Mary Liz's class next week so that I can see what I am leaving out (...knowing me, something really important and useful!!).

All of you know that I am a "nutter" (crazy, nuts, elevator doesn't go to the penthouse...), but there are so many leaves and other things on this project that I am going to start keeping a running tally of things I applique down as I go.  Here is my list after 3 completed blocks:

   leaves - 95
   pieces of fruit - 9
   flowers/buds - 23

 Here is the picture of the whole quilt (from the pattern).

There are 20 total blocks in this quilt, plus the awesome borders.  I have already decided to leave a block out so that I can insert a groom block of my own design.  But which one to leave out and how to re-arrange the remaining blocks so that things are balanced?  This has been puzzling me, and now I came up with a tool to help me decide!

I made a color copy of the picture on my computer printer, cut the blocks apart, and now I can play with the arrangement.  This is important to me as I plan colors for blocks...I want things to be balanced when I finish this long process!!


In my "spare" time, I have been planning and painstakingly cutting out a hand-piecing project to work on that is totally portable.  I love to have something mindless and easy in a big baggie right by the door so that I have something to do in meetings, while waiting for appointments, and anytime I am chauffering (and waiting for) my daughter.   :o)

Ta-da!!  Here it is...all reproduction fabrics in every color and a lovely bubblegum pink to set the large stars with after they are made.  I found the pattern in this month's "The Love of Quilting" (Fons and Porter - the one with a fall quilt on the cover).  I LOVE scrappy - no pesky fabric choices to make - I can use them ALL (although I did have to decide on a bubblegum pink for the setting squares, etc.).  All the pieces (1000+) are in a project box, and I will place a few triangles at a time in a baggie with little scissors, a thimble, thread and a needle.  I find I listen much better when my hands are busy (it keeps me from daydreaming), and since I'm happily piecing away, I'm much less hostile if the topic is controversial.  :o)

I am still progressing on binding my three latest machine-quilted U.F.O.s - maybe I can show them next time.

In stitches,
Teresa  :o)


  1. Three blocks already? I had better catch up!

    The October Bunny Hill block is out, too.


  2. Wow Teresa, that hand piecing looks mammoth. I could never be organised enough to cut out that many pieces, let alone have them all ready to just grab and stitch. I have a little make up bag that stays in whatever handbag I'm using, it contains a couple of stitcheries, needles, thread and little scissors ready for any waiting time!

  3. What a lovely blog you have! Wonderful blocks and love the applique quilt you are making .... a lot of work but it will be so worth it!

  4. Your blocks are fabulous. I really like your choice of fabrics too. It is going to be one treasure when you get done.

  5. Folks who like applique will love this quilt. Other than foundation piecing I am not crazy about piecing but I can applique and hand quilt all day long. Your blocks look great both here and on the Civil War Bride Blog.



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