
Monday, September 21, 2009

Bottom layer on my design wall...

I removed some things from my design wall, and guess what neglected project I found??

I had forgotten all about these cute little guys! This pattern is called "BUNNIES PREFER CHOCOLATE" by Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill designs.  I only lack doing the hand applique on 2 or 3 of them, and a little embroidery on most of them. That shouldn't be that hard!

I wish I was the kind of person that started something and worked on it until it was finished. But I tend to layer my projects...lots of things started that are at various degrees of being finished. I don't know if that shows that I have a short attention span or if I'm easily bored. I try to be pretty organized...each project in a bin or box until the mood (or a deadline!) strikes me. Some days I don't feel like piecing...then I hand quilt, or cut, or bind. Sometimes I'm too tired and it is too late to do anything more than just stack stash fabrics together and "pet" them (dream, plan, scheme, etc.). Is that nutty or what?? (I bet some of you are nodding your heads in agreement. See...I'm not the only one!!! :o)

I think I just need a 3-D design wall.  Or maybe at least a REAL design wall...I am using an old thermal blanket that was purchased in 1978 for me to take off to my freshman year at college.  I thought it was awful then, and those feelings have not changed.  But it is sturdy and I didn't think twice about stapling that sucker to the sill.  The sturdiness allows me to keep pinning projects on projects and the design wall does not sag from the madness.  Did I mention that it used to be hot pink?  Now I just call it "not-so-hot" pink.

Now comes the dilemma...finish the bunnies or start the "bride" blocks...hmmm.

In stitches,
Teresa   :o)


  1. Aahh Teresa, what a dilema! Your bunny quilt is just so cute, but do I spy chocolate eggs, would that be Easter? A few months to get it finished then? Is that the bride I hear calling -come join us-!!

  2. Teresa, I call it QADD (quilter attention deficit disorder)I know because I have it too! I, like you just started CWBQ and warried that the QADD will atack and I can't finish the quilt. I hope that getting older might cure it LOL! I love the bunny quilt and I will go looking for the patter if it's still availble. The best looking Easter quilt I have ever seen - Thanks for sharing - Hugs Natima

  3. I have thought about purchasing this pattern but never took the plunge. Your blocks are very well done and oh so sweet looking.


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