
Sunday, May 12, 2013

2013 Sauder Village Quilt Show. Part II

Are you ready for more quilt show eye candy??  My friends Cheryl and Marilyn do such beautiful work!  This wall handing is exquisitely pieced by Cheryl and masterfully machine quilted by Marilyn.  I wish my close up had not been completely blurry so you could see more closely the 3-D white corner triangles!

This quilt won the color use award in addition to an Honorable favorite colors!

I love "bug jar" quilts...this is the first time I ever saw the jars in a cupboard.

I like these buzz saw looking's on my scrappy bucket list...

Another powerful pattern and quilt I have never heard of..."California Nites."  There were two of these at the show, the other one in a more neutral palette, which I forgot to take a picture of (I was in a "quilt show fog")

Cool lilies...

This basket quilt had a lot of embroidery and bead embellishment...

Around the corner, again...arghh...

I like the variety of finished block-of-the-month quilts at this show...

I should have gotten a few close-ups of this won for best machine quilting...

Nice purples...

Another from my friend Cheryl, I LOVE the colors and pattern on this one...

I love pieced basket blocks...

Kim Diehl was the featured teacher during the week...I was hoping to see quilts from her patterns...

It's always fun to see a Robert Callahan quilt...

"Sweet Sixteen"...Edyta Sitar quilts are EVERYWHERE at this show this year...all so pretty!

I have little tubs of 30's prints in the quilt cave that started vibrating (even though I wasn't home to see it) when I saw this quilt.  It was so beautiful.

 A large feathered star quilt block is on my bucket list...perhaps as the center medallion in a larger quilt.

A Lori Smith pattern...

I love, love, love this quilt...I've got to find this pattern...

My friend Norma made this pretty stitched quilt.

Buddy Mary made and taught this block-of-the-month quilt, "Vintage Rouge."

Mary also made this stitched beauty, "Vintage Tin."

I REALLY like this block-of-the-month quilt...even though it has northern motifs, I'd like to make it for a southern relative...maybe I could substitute a possum and Big Foot for blocks in the quilt containing motifs not seen down south...

This was such a sweet quilt in person!  I really loved all the little touches and the color palette.

This quilt satisfied my "Love Jones" for all things log cabin.

Very cool dog quilt...the colors reminded me of one of my favorite movies, EVER, "Ghostbusters" (where Rick Moranis' character's head was hooked up to a monitor, showing his inner specter).  

Somehow I missed getting the picture of the whole quilt on this one...I was so taken with each block.

Edyta Sitar was sure a hit at this show!  Here's another one...

Ole Sue gets a modern fabric make-over...

Sorry about my photography from this year's was more blurry, crooked, and incomplete than usual.

Happy Mother's


  1. thanks for sharing these beautiful quilts...
    wish I could have been there too!

  2. What a great tour of the quilt show. Your pictures are great. I think the dog quilt was so realistic, even with all the bright prints. Lots of quilty ideas here!!! You should check out more Derek Lockwood patterns if you liked that one.

  3. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift! These quilts are just so fabulous--super Show! Thanks, Julierose

  4. thanks for sharing! what wonderful inspiration quilt shows are = and if you can't be there sharing them on quilt blogs is the next best thing :)
    have a great day

  5. Teresa, I have the pattern Christmas Pickle by Possibilities. I have to root through my books to find it, so give me a couple of days to find it. It's been on my to do list for a while. Seeing your picture brings back my desire to make it..maybe after the 4-5 quilts I have going on now, I'll get it done!

  6. Thank you for sharing more of the quilt show - just stupendous and wish I could see it in person.

  7. Wow! Great eye candy!!! Yum I will have to come back to see these again!

  8. Thanks for all the great pictures. It was especially nice to be able to read the quilt show tags and learn about the quilters.

  9. Thank you for the wonderful show!

  10. Teresa,
    Thanks for taking us along to the quilt show. You always do such a great job with the photos and the info. If you ever need another job you could look into being a tour guide. 😉😉

  11. Gorgeous quilts! Really some talented quilters. I mean Really beautiful work! Thanks for sharing all the pictures. They are very inspiring.

  12. Love all the quilts. Just like being there. Thank you for sharing

  13. You did a wonderfuljob of photographing these beautiful quilts. Thank you so much for including the written entry forms with the quilters info for each quilt. It gave me a big surprise--I saw a name from MY past-Marilyn Lang. She was one of our fantastic quilters here in St.Louis before moving away. Tell her Hello for me. I met her many years ago through a mutual friend (Debbie H) and watched her quilt a large quilt on her domestic (before she got her longarm. She did beautiful work even then and I'll always remember her. That quilt show is spectacular. Darlene

  14. wow, a dynamite show for sure....thanks for posting all the gorgeous photos....and for giving me even more inspiration and ideas!

  15. Teresa......I so enjoyed you sharing this wonderful quilty parade!! I will have to come back often and do some more *staring*!!

    I have a question.....I have started a new project, wanting to use your *applique* process. Do you have an idea why my freezer paper isn't sticking to my fabric. I have pre-washed the I ironing it down too hot?

    Just thought maybe you had encountered this issue at one point or another.

  16. again.......I just decided to jump in with the applique this afternoon. OF COURSE the freezer paper isn't going to attach it's self to the fabric like glue! The only way to know how it all works is to just try doing some of it.

    I have done numerous pieces and feel quite comfortable with the method!! Soooo, I guess I was getting all excited for nothing. The freezer paper stays put because you are holding it down while you turn the glued edges down!

    This is great!! I am getting faster and faster at it!!....LOL.....crazy me....I did EXACTLY what you suggested NOT to do in your tutorial....I STARTED OUT WITH CIRCLES!!

    Thanks for such a fantastic and detailed tutorial on how you hand appliqué!!!!! I am anxious to try my *human hair* thread tonight when I sit down to appliqué the pieces I have ready.

  17. Thank you for sharing your pictures of this wonderful quilt show. I almost felt like I was there.

  18. Jinny Beyer is my favorite fabric pattern designer. wonderful 34th fabric show!

  19. Thank you very much. I feel like I have just been to a quilt show and had an enjoyable time viewing and oohing and arrrhing.


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